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Facility Use Form

The Community Education Department coordinates use of all school facilities and equipment beyond the regular school day. School functions take priority. School activities may be scheduled subsequent to approval and the affected party will be notified if that situation occurs. The use of facilities is governed by policies and regulations approved by the Board of Education. No activities will be scheduled on legal and/or school holidays. For more information contact the Community Education Office at 634-2735 ext. 1437 or stop into the District office to fill out the form.


Completing and signing this form does not guarantee the request is approved.  A copy of the facility use request form will be returned via email to the applicant indicating if the request is approved or denied.

Priority Rank:

  1. School Functions – No Fee

  2. Community Education – No Fee

  3. Non-profit Groups – No Fee

  4. General Public

School functions may be scheduled subsequent to approval and the affected party will be notified.  If extra needs for the event are required (electricity, significant set-up, etc.) the school reserves the opportunity to charge a nominal fee to cover additional costs incurred by the event.

  • The person listed on the request is responsible for the condition of the facility, for the supervision of the participants and for the behavior of any spectators.  

  • Use of the school facilities is limited to the areas listed on the reservation.  The proposed activity must be appropriate for the facility requested.  For example, refreshments are restricted to the commons.

  • The user of the facility is responsible for returning the facility to the condition in which the user found it.  If the activity requires special custodial support or other personnel costs, the cost will be billed to the user.

  • School supplies and equipment are generally not available for public use.  Equipment that is available for public use must be signed out and checked back in by the Community Education Office. (See Community Education Coordinator)

  • Members of the public may not store materials in the school building and the District is not responsible for the loss of personal items on school property.

  • Tobacco and alcohol use is not permitted on school property.

  • The district reserves the right to refuse use to any individual or group.

  • No student activities after 6:00 on Wednesdays during the school year.

  • All rooms and areas are subject to space available

  • All fees and assignments are coordinated through the Community Education office and are subject to review by other appropriate personnel.

  • All requests must be made in writing on this form before final approval will be given.

  • Applicants may be required to furnish a certificate of insurance to guarantee the conditions of this agreement or any liability incurred by it.

  • Groups using District athletic or recreation facilities must show evidence of insurance for activity participants or submit liability disclaimers from all participants upon request of the District before the activity starts.

  • Facility users may not transfer their reservation privileges to others.

This applicant and/or organization agrees to assume all responsibility for damage or liability of any kind and further agrees to hold harmless the School District from any expense or costs in connection with the use of school facilities under this agreement.


Food Service

The school kitchen is not available for public use without approval of the Food Service School Authority.  The Life Skills/Home Economics Room is not available for preparing food that is to be used for fundraising.  This room is not inspected by the Health Department.  Fundraising events held during non-school hours that serve food are required to have the food prepared in a health inspected kitchen by a Serve Safe certified individual.  The establishment preparing the food is responsible in the event of a foodborne illness outbreak.  The school cannot be held liable.

  • Snacks for classroom parties and extra-curricular activities must be prepackaged or purchased from and approved kitchen.

  • Pot Luck events cannot solicit for donations, or charge for the event, will not advertise as open to the public, and are required to be held in the Commons.

Kitchen use must be requested and approved by Jackie Pearson, Head Cook (634-2735 ext. 1263).  The cost is dependent on the services requested.


AED Availability Announcement

Lake of the Woods Public School has 9 AEDs on site.  The AEDs are located in the following locations in the building:

  • Hallway F in the High School nearest Room F135 on the far northeastern corner of the building.

  • School Commons nearest the men’s restroom

  • Hallway near the Pool Entrance directly across from the Facilities & Transportation Supervisor’s office

  • East Elementary playground door

  • Elementary office

  • Nurse’s office

  • 3 travel with our sports teams

Each of these sites are marked by a sign with a heart and the letters AED.  There is a white cabinet below the sign containing the AED.


Fee Schedule

Auditorium $100/day – $50 surcharge for sound, light and operator

Commons $100/day

Large Gym $100/day

Multi-purpose Gym $25/day

$100/month (1 day per week)

Pool* $150/day + $10 per lifeguard per hour

Classroom/Field Use $25/day

ITV Room $25/


After you have submitted the form the school will contact you and confirm that your space is available for the date requested.

Facility Use Form




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