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Upcoming ECFE classes

More events to come!

Early Childhood Family Education


What is Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE)?

  • The Parent is the first teacher…
  • ECFE is a series of classes that bring children, parents, (or other family members) and educators together to learn more about parenting and child development.  Parents are the most important educator and our LW ECFE classes help parents fulfill that role.

Why participate in the ECFE Classes?

  • By joining our ECFE class, families set aside special time to focus on and enhance the parent/child relationship.  As a parent, you will gain information and insight into child development and parenting issues.  Finally, your child will have the opportunity to socialize with other children in a supervised play setting.

Who can participate in our LW School ECFE classes?

  • Children between the ages of birth and PreK may participate with their parents, grandparents, guardians or other family member. Siblings are also welcome as we know coming to class w/the whole family may be a necessity in order to participate. 

What happens in the ECFE Classes?

  • Parents and children join together for story-time, games, crafts and snacks.  After enjoying this parent-child interaction time; parents will join the parent educator with parenting tips and child development issues.  The children will join the early childhood educator for playtime while the parents continue with the parent educator for a guided; yet informal parent-group time. The topics of discussion are primarily determined by the parents expressed needs and interests.


For more information on ECFE or any other Community Education class, activity or service, please contact:

Jeni Krause – ECFE Coordinator



Lake of the Woods School will run 2 hours LATE on Tuesday, January 21st due to extreme cold temperatures and wind chill forecasted.

The girls basketball game scheduled for tonight has been POSTPONED to February 7th.